Customized bedtime stories - how to create them?

Writer’s block? Scarlett Panda have you covered!

A couple of advice for creating your bedtime stories with Scarlett Panda. If you want, feel free to also get inspiration from our audience favorites on our free bedtime story library.

First, choose what your bedtime story is about:

Be creative! Usually we would recommend to make your child the hero of their own story but if you are not reading to them, feel free to let them come up with their own funky characters. You can also tell a story about their friends, toys and relatives using names and nicknames.

Here are some examples: 

  • A little baby who loved pizza

  • A tiger named Johnny who lived in the Jungle 

  • A parrot who wanted to play football

  • A little girl name named Pam who was teething

If you feel like you are lacking of imagination or that your prompts are too silly, don’t worry, Scarlett’s Panda can do an amazing job at making the best stories whatever the material is. Just think about anything and we will make the magic happen!

Then, pick the main character friends

Add up to three additional characters to the story but please note that the magic might not integrate everybody. The characters can be friends, toys but also family members in which case, please add their relationship to the main character, see examples below: 

  • Wettail the old wolf, the best friend of Johnny

  • Caroline the little sister of Kelly 

  • Mary, the parrot's ginger mum

  • Nan and Pop, the grand parents

Feel free to add some descriptions but leave some room to the magic to happen.

Finally, pick the the moral of the story

Some days require to learn a bit more about the world that is around us. No need to make it heavy, just useful. This will also help guiding the narration towards a certain goal.


  • Trusting your friends is important

  • You need to eat a balanced diet to be heathy 

  • Listen to your parents

  • Be nice to your sister

Once this is all set, just press the “submit” button and wait about 30-45 seconds and let the magic happen!

Good reading and have very nice dreams!


Online Bedtime Stories: 5 Surprising Benefits for Kids (And Adults Too!)


Free bedtime stories