Guide in Creating stories with Scarlett Panda

There are a lot of bedtime stories that parents can read to their kids. Ironically, with so many options to choose from, most parents would still pick the stories that their children have already heard of several times and that defeats the purpose of storytelling. This is where Scarlett Panda comes in. Scarlett Panda is an app that not only gives you the freedom to choose the theme of the story that you can share with your child but also enables your kid to be the main character of the story which brings back the fun in storytelling. Read along to see how you can get inspiration from using Scarlett Panda. 

Scarlett Panda allows you to choose a theme for your story

Think of a topic where your kids can learn from but before doing so, think about how the story would be beneficial for your kid’s growth. If your child needs to strengthen his social skills, then it would be best to think of a bedtime story about friendship or how to communicate with other kids. Whether the story is about love, friendship, courage or how to handle different situations, Scarlett Panda will help you in creating the bedtime story for you based on the theme that you have chosen. A good example of this would be setting a story of a lion who needs to defend his kingdom from other bad animals. That theme would surely make an interesting story for your child.

Get your kid's friends involved in the story

Your child will be the main character of the bedtime story and the theme would build around him. Scarlett Panda enables you to take your kid's friends on that journey to make the story even more special. Associating your kid's friends in the story would only strengthen the friendship that they have and would bring them closer to each other both in the story and as well as in reality. An example of this is that your child can be a lion, which makes him the king of the jungle and his friends would be associated with other animals like a tiger, a zebra or a giraffe and together, they can protect their kingdom from other bad animals. 

What your child will learn from the story

Storytelling will not be complete without the most important part - the moral lesson. Telling your kids the moral lesson of the story helps in building their character and molds them into becoming a refined person by the time they get older. Scarlett Panda greatly highlights the moral lesson of the story not only in a fun way but also to a point wherein your kids will remember it for the rest of their lives. Let’s take the characters as mentioned in the second paragraph as an example. The moral lesson of the story is that the king of the jungle cannot defend his kingdom without the help of his friends. That would strengthen your child's ability to interact with other kids in developing his social skills.

Scarlett Panda will create the story for you in less than 30 seconds

After filling out all the information about the bedtime story that you wanted to read to your child, Scarlett Panda will generate the story for you along with the characters and as well as the moral lesson of the bedtime story. 

Storytelling has never been this fun and easy. Keep inspiring your children by using Scarlett Panda and reading them amazing bedtime stories each and every night.


How Scarlett Panda can help develop your child's creativity through bedtime stories.


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