How Reading Everyday Can Contribute To Getting Smarter

The famous Greek philosopher Aristotle once said that "we are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit". Everyone desires to be called "intelligent" or a "genius". Intelligence is something that does not happen overnight. The mind needs to practice and be fed with information everyday for a person to be smarter. The great minds of the past like Aristotle did not have access to books and computers like we do now so how did they become so great? They relied on their curiosity and their constant desire to obtain new information. Nowadays, we have access to books and computers and obtaining information is not as difficult as it was once back then. A simple habit of reading everyday contributes to becoming smarter and here's a few reasons how:

Reading everyday improves your memory

Reading is one of the brain's ways of exercising. The more you read, the better the chances of recalling information. When a person reads, it activates the brain cells and increases mental simulation. For example, reading a newspaper everyday is a great way to read everyday as well as to improve your memory because not only you get the chance to be informed about what's going on with the current events but you also get to remember what you have read from yesterday. For students, reading everyday allows them to retain memory for an exam or even just a simple pop quiz. For kids, reading everyday, or even being read to, especially bedtime stories not only helps them in improving their memory but also helps them to get to sleep faster. 

Reading everyday improves your vocabulary

Every now and then when you read, you get to encounter words that you may not be familiar with. Out of curiosity, you then check the dictionary for the meaning of the word and how it is being used to give you a better understanding of the word that you're not familiar with. Sooner or later you find yourself able to use that word more comfortably in conversing with friends or family. This method also enables you to associate words with synonyms and antonyms which can improve how you read, write and as well as speak. 

Reading everyday can improve your communication skills. 

This is closely related to the second benefit of how reading everyday can contribute to getting smarter. Reading everyday can improve the way you communicate with friends and family. It also allows you to be more empathetic with the way others feel. When you read everyday, you create a bond with the author and the message that they wanted to convey through their works. The more you read, the better the brain works and the more fluent conversations get when you are speaking to an actual person. 

Though reading everyday may not seem much of an activity like running or walking, it is still a pretty good form of exercise. It's safe to say that the benefits you get from reading everyday is underappreciated but like the great minds of the past, that did not stop them from gaining knowledge. Make reading a habit and keep reading everyday, after all, knowledge is power. 


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