Benefits of reading bedtime stories to your kids

We all could recall that at least once in our childhood, a scene pops up into our mind where our parents would read a bedtime story to help us get to sleep. Surprisingly, as simple as reading a book to your child brings a lot of benefits. Here are some of the ways on how reading to your kids before bedtime can be beneficial:

Reading bedtime stories improves your child’s vocabulary

             Most children’s books are written using simple words that kids easily understand. At times, your kid would ask you questions if they are not familiar with a word and would ask what that means. It creates a great opportunity to educate them on its meaning and how it’s used so that once your child comes across that word again; it’s already become part of their vocabulary.

Reading bedtime stories is a great way to bond with your kids

             As most parents, balancing life and work is tough. Our jobs would usually take the most of our day with little to none left for chores and some other stuff. To make up for lost time with your kids, reading to them before they sleep actually makes a good bonding time. It gives your kids a great feeling that despite not seeing you for most of the day, they get to see you and hear your voice just before they sleep which is priceless.

Reading bedtime stories is a great form of relaxation

             While us parents spend a lot of energy working or doing household chores, our kids spend a lot of their own energy too by playing, singing, dancing and exploring the world in their own little ways. At night is where both parents and kids are relaxed the most and a great way of relaxation would be reading to your kids before bedtime. Parents feel at ease watching their kids fall asleep and it also gives a soothing feeling for the kids from all the energy they spent during the day.

It expands their creativity and imagination through the bedtime stories

Most bedtime stories have fictional creatures like flying horses, and dragons, and unicorns and castles which would always get your child's attention. Reading to your kids before bedtime allows them to stimulate their own little world while learning in the real world. 


Guide in writing your own bedtime stories


Our favorite panda bedtime stories